Grades PK-12 Endorsements

Candidates who pursue a PK through 12 endorsement have the flexibility to teach at all grade levels. They need to understand learners at all stages of development. Candidates do a primary student teaching practicum in one grade span (grades PK through six or grades seven through 12) and a secondary practicum of 60 hours in the other grade span. An additional $500 fee is required to secure the second placement and to compensate a second mentor.

Endorsement Options

Art (Grades PK-12)

Teachers are prepared to teach a variety of art topics and skills in grades PK through 12 including painting, drawing, photography, ceramics, graphic design, and jewelry making. Requirements include 30 credits of relevant coursework and a passing score on the Praxis II exam before applying for licensure. 


Educational Technology Specialist (ETS) (Grades PK-12)

Teachers are prepared to collaborate with students and teachers to support technology integration throughout the curriculum. Teachers in this role often co-teach with colleagues to introduce new technology, support students with special needs, and ensure students have equitable access to technology tools. Requirements include ample coursework and professional experience. There is no Praxis II exam for this endorsement.

Health (Grades PK-12)

Teachers are prepared to teach a variety of health topics in grades PK through 12 including nutrition, sexual health, decision-making, human development, and drug and alcohol awareness. Requirements include ample coursework and a passing score on the Praxis II exam before applying for licensure. Many candidates choose to pursue a dual endorsement in physical education & health.

Modern & Classical Language (Grades PK-12)

Teachers are prepared to teach their chosen language (French, Spanish, German, Chinese, ASL, or Latin) in grades PK through 12 including reading, writing, listening, and speaking skill development. Requirements include 30 credits of relevant coursework (or native language fluency) and a passing score on the Praxis II exam for their chosen language before applying for licensure. 


Multilingual Learners/English Language Learners (PK-12)

Teachers are prepared to teach Multilingual Learners in acquiring English language speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. Requirements include ample coursework and a passing score on the Praxis II exam before applying for licensure. 

Music (Grades PK-12)

Teachers are prepared to teach a variety of music topics and skills in grades PK through 12 including band, chorus, introduction to instruments, music theory, and composition. Requirements include 30 credits of relevant coursework and a passing score on the Praxis II exam before applying for licensure.

Physical Education (Grades PK-12)

Teachers are prepared to teach a variety of sports and fitness topics in grades PK through 12 including wellness, team and individual sports, nutrition, and team-building. Requirements include 30 credits of relevant coursework and a passing score on the Praxis II exam before applying for licensure. Many candidates choose to pursue a dual endorsement in physical education and health.

Theater Arts (Grades PK-12)

Teachers are prepared to teach a variety of topics and skills for grades PK through 12 including acting and theater production. Requirements include ample coursework and professional experience. There is no Praxis II exam for this endorsement. Many candidates choose to pursue a dual endorsement in theater arts and English.


Add An Endorsement

Teachers who already hold a Vermont educator’s license (Level I or Level II) can add an endorsement with TAP through a Personalized Learning Plan (PLP). This self-paced contract involves a classroom observation from a TAP faculty member and a content-area mentor. Upon completion of the PLP, TAP issues a recommendation which candidates then submit to the Vermont Agency of Education in order to add the new endorsement.

Endorsements offered include:

  • Computer Science, English, Math, Science, Social Studies (Grades 5-9, OR Grades 7-12)
  • Art, ETS, Health, Modern and Classical Languages, Multilingual Learners, Music, Physical Education, Theater Arts (PK-12)
  • Business, Family & Consumer Science (Grades 5-12)
  • Other endorsements may be considered

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